Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New Year: I'm swearing off of Computer Evernote type stuff

It is December 29, 2015. The New Year lurks around the corner and I begin the plans for 2016. I've been searching the new Apps available to help us get organized and am throwing my hands in the air. I'm done. I look at the recommendations and the comments of these computer whiz ideas and without fail there are those that have been dissatisfied with these organizational help apps. Usually the disappointment lies in the app not downloading something correctly, or upgrading and not picking up the past information so it all must be re-entered, or a new way to work the app so a learning curve hits right when you are in a very important meeting, or in a conference. Yes, I am honestly done with the whole concept of having to constantly be on a learning curve to take care of mundane and unimportant daily endeavors. I have decided to go back to my own organizational planning system that has served me well in the past and I believe will rise to my aid now and in the future.

Are you with me in this? How do you handle the upcoming year? Do you set goals and resolutions?

At the beginning of my first marriage, I was young and a bit naive about the new year and it's power and excitement. I simply looked at life from day in and day out. I was a mom at age 20 and I was clueless on many life lessons.

By age 30 I was a single mom and operating in total survival mode.

By age 40 I can honestly say much had changed and life was really rocking pretty smoothly. LIFE had become an adventure and a Joy! If I only knew then what I know now - I can honestly say I would have been more content more quickly.  What is fun to know: I'm here again. In a place of the unknown. Difference between me now and me at ages 20 and 30: I do know what I have learned in the past will profit me in this new year of new marriage and new life. Now, setting aside a few days to implement what I've learned in the past. I invite you along.

Are you ok with me sharing some helps that transformed life from chaos to productivity in those 10 years? Helps that changed me from survival mode to exciting life adventure mode?  I hope they help you as you enter into this new year of 2016, I'm re-investing in them.

First, a disclaimer. I am a random/abstract thinker. I rarely think linearly. I found a system years ago that was begun by two sidetracked home executives and it worked for me. I implemented this system then and over the last 35 years the system has been re-invented numerous times. (due to moves, life changes, and culture changes)

I am here again. Needing to revamp the system. I was introduced to all sorts of computer planning apps in a course I'm taking on goal setting: '5 Days to you Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt'. It is a great course. I am enjoying it. But, I got hung up on the computer planning apps.

There is within me a hesitancy to enter into something that will either change on me (i.e. update...) during the year, not copy what needs to be copied, or even drop or delete what I've worked so hard to get in place. Is it just me? Or, are you in that same frame of mind.

Oh I don't know. I just don't need any more stress. I would rather have something on paper. Something I can count on. Something that isn't going to go blank when I am ramping up to a really important deadline.  So here is the nuts and bolts.

Write everything that you would like to do in your life on paper. I mean everything. If you would like to clean inside the light switches (don't laugh, I have family members that do that) - write it down. If you want to have clean windows, clean toilet, clean kitchen cabinets, dishwasher emptied/loaded, write a novel, or even replace batteries in your smoke alarm - write it down. Make a list no matter how long.

Using this abbreviated system: How often a job is done on a color 3X5 card.

Excerpts from Sidetracked Home Executives pg 58:


Frequency: How often a job is to be done.
D = Day
W = Weekly
EOW = Every Other Week
S= Sasonally
EOM = Every Other Month
2/Y = Twice a Year
M = Monthly
Y = Yearly
EOD = Every Other Day
2/W = Twice a week

Color: Which color 3X% card to use for each job.
Y = Yellow
B = Blue
W = White
P = Pink

1. Transfer ALL jobs to cards - one job per card.
2. Make Menu Plan
3. Label blank dividers: Storage, Christmas, Family and Special Projects: any projects that light up your life. File the newly labeled dividers between the months and the alphabet in your box.
4. Put dividers in card file in this order: 1-31, with current date forward; four special dividers; January-December; ABCs; extra cards in back.
5. Make piles of cards according to colors (four piles).
6. Using the calendar and Basic Week Plan, file pink cards first. (Most of them will have specific dates.)
7. File yellow (daily) cards in front of today's date if job has not been done today. Daily jobs already completed can be filed in front of tomorrow's date.
8. File yellow (every-other-day) cards in front of today's date if they haven't been done, or the day after tomorrow if already completed.
9. Sort out blue mini-job cards from the blue pile. Mini-jobs can be filed for any day, even a free day.
10. File all blue (weekly) cards on moderate-cleaning or heavy- cleaning days (except quiet activities, which go on your quiet day).
11. File all blue (every other week) cards up to fourteen days from current date.
12. Separate white (monthly and every other month) cards into three piles: mini-jobs, monthly, and every other month. File white minis anywhere in the numbers.
13. File all white (monthly) cards in the moderate - or heavy cleaning days of the month
14. File every other month white cards in the January-December dividers, TWO MONTHS from the current month.
15. Transfer birthdays and anniveraries from calendar and file in January-December section.
16. Make out white card "Check date" and file in front of number 25.
17. Using old address book or phone book, make out cards on loved ones and often-used phone numbers or places of business and file in ABC section

Please buy the book:


Blessings in this New Year:
& HoneyB + Ebenezer and Ginger&Bourbon

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