Thursday, October 15, 2015

Simply a woman that has been there and done that. After divorce in 1990 I returned to get my degree in Education. My three children ages 5, 7, and 10 were up close and personal to many a classroom at the University. We made it through, I got the degree, a job teaching and began investing in God, my children, my job and my church.

After all my children were grown and either in University or married, I was called to go on the mission field. I sold my house, my car and left all of the known in the USA for the unknown with God. I lived almost 10 years on the mission field in Germany working in Women's Ministry.

Now, I see a need to minister to women through the internet. My children are a testimony to God's grace and mercy, as is my new marriage to the man of God's design. Heretofore called The Man!
I live in Maryland and have a heart here, in the big state of Texas, and in Germany.
Looking forward to finding out if what God has blessed me with will meet a need throughout the world.

What can you expect?
1. I am here to be real, challenge you in your faith, remind you that You are A Child of God, making you a princess - so act like it. I believe in encouraging gently, but recognizing that sometimes we need a simple - Just do it, or even more often, Just stop doing that! :/

Themes will answer these questions and more:

1. What does singleness mean?
2. How do we make decisions from this new frame of reference?
3. How do we walk when it feels like we fail in everything?
4. How do we find our footing again?
5. How can we be mom AND dad ALL THE TIME?
6. How do we cease being a victim and live in true and honest contentment?

How will I address these questions?

I will write memories, encouragements, resources, and things I have learned in the trenches. I am even thinking about offering a few bible studies if readers would be interested.

I will post once a week on Tuesdays.

What do I expect?
1. If this is something that has helped, tell me by leaving a comment.
2. If this is something you want to hear more about, a theme or verse, tell me by leaving a comment.
3. If you have a question, ask me by leaving a comment.
4. If you have a friend that could help from this blog, share it.
5. If you enjoyed this and want more, go to the bottom of this page and leave your email for updates.

Why am I doing this?
I recently retired from the mission field. There were many doors closing and one door opening. I stepped through this door and found myself married, back in the states, with writing as the only option to help people. More on that later...

So here we are.
I look forward to us getting to know each other.



  1. Your writing always makes me think Robyn.....subscribing to your blog. I miss seeing you in person!

  2. Oh Agape Oaks. Good to hear from you. Praying that you and God are closer than ever! And you see his hand right where you are.
