Tuesday, October 20, 2015


EWSM is for you. But, who are you?

Are you a single parent, ministry partner, friend, or family member of mine?

You are reading this blog because you are curious about what I have to say about Single Parenting, or just plain curious.

If you are a Single Mom, you are probably looking for answers, help, or just an understanding ear. Possibly you will find something helpful you can use or pass on to someone that might need an encouraging word. Be willing to stretch a little while you're here. I'll be asking lots of QUESTIONS!

The first question for you.
Do you know who you are?


How long has it been since you stopped and remembered who you are?

Now, when I ask that question the first thing that probably popped into your head: Single MOM! Divorcee/Widow/Never Married...
Our identity far too often gets magnified by our responsibility for the kids or our marital status.

But what if I ask you to dig in. To remember the identity before all the world pressed in.

Imagine you are just climbing out of bed, your feet hit the floor and you slip on warm-snugly-slippers. You wrap your robe around you and head for the kitchen. Opening the kitchen cabinet you pull down the fun-filled cereal and plop down at the kitchen table laid with milk, bowl, spoon and even sugar. You pour the cereal into the bowl and out tumbles the most magnificent secret decoder ring you have ever seen. Within seconds you are reading the directions.

Directions: Discover your hidden identity.
1. Stop.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Breathe.
4. Get back to the basics.
So what are the basics? Well, there are a few that over the years have surfaced as being the most important. The first one is Who am I? Hummmm...

I'm a woman, mother of three, now married to a man that I adore, which makes me a step mom to one.
But how does that help you? Pretty much - it doesn't. My life today really can't help you in any way except in the reality that your life today will not be the same as it will be 30 years from now. So in that, I think I can safely say: Today, get through today.

Yes, but how? you probably are asking. Good grief RoRo, you are really not helping matters much.

No? Then let's think about this. Who are you? Not gender, marital status, mom, job, number of children to bathe - feed - taxi to and from - forfeit sleep over... let's go on.

5. You were created by someone that knew you in your mother's womb. That is as basic as it can get.

Back to the basics.

5.  yes... #5 again. Remind yourself that you were created by a perfect Creator.
I find that when I am spinning around in my head so fast I can't even take one more step in any direction, my next best step is to stop. Why stop? Because in stopping I can settle my brain back to the basics. Now that you are thinking and shall we go so far as to say meditating on this Creator, place yourself at the beginning of your beginning.
You were planned. Your life was planned. As chaotic, crazy, and totally overwhelming as it appears right now. You are on a journey. And no matter how often you think it will never come to an end, it will.
6. You were CREATED to be LOVED.
Everything that you are and have ever been was known by Him before you were even born. You are precious to Him. So precious He sacrificed all to have you in His family. You matter to Him. And who is He? Think about it. Who is this being without borders? Who is this Creator that created you and all you see, hear, touch, smell, and feel?

Today I am asking you to simply start with the very simple question of Who Am I?
As a human being you are a child of the Creator, the Great God who IS. And if you have agreed to recognize Him as who He is: Creator, Master, Redeemer and Friend, then we are at the same beginning page.

Your assignment this week: think about 3 things.

1. Who is this Creator that created me and knows and loves everything about me?
2. How Big would this Creator need to be if He created me and everything around me?
3. What would it feel like if I really believed that He was that Big?

That's all - think about these three things. I'll meet you here again on Tuesday of next week. If you want to write down what you think about, hummmm that might be a really good idea.

Bible References of Ebenezer

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