Monday, February 8, 2016

I'm high up in the atmosphere somewhere between Maryland and Texas.
The Man and I are taking a trip to meet my mom. I'm 59 years old, 5 months into my 2nd marriage and I'm taking my man to meet my mom. We're both a little nervous. LOL!

Last week, don't beat me, we were both sick as could be. The Man got something going in his nose on Thursday the week before. By Tuesday I'd joined him and by Tuesday after midnight we were contemplating hospital for him.

Fuzzy eyes and shaky fingers do not make a blog readable nor enjoyable. I succumbed to the bed, for days!!! We slept, coughed, sneezed, took gallons of Mucinex. Finally, yesterday I was feeling sort of alive. All of the things I'd planned to do to prepare for the trip we are on right now were thrown behind me and the sweet house/dog sitter must simply wade through the clothes left on the Grandbabies bed a mile high. Our moving in is in process but not complete!

Thankfully there are two other beds she can choose to sleep on! As long as Ebenezer, Bourbon, or Ginger don't get the best sleeping spots in the house.

Last post I set you on a discovery of getting your houses in order.

I was asked to add pictures. I contemplated doing just that, but thought better of it.  I honestly believe the book I linked to is the best option for instruction on this endeavor. And I wouldn't want to be in any way be thought plagiarizing. So I give them the credit they're due.

Buy the book, you won't regret it!  I've held on to mine for 20 years!

Now, today I share about the gatherings that will be happening for the next two weeks.

I go to two of my three children's homes during these next two weeks. Why would I share that? To give you hope.

One of my sons is a Firefighter, the other a Hospital Chaplain. When I think of all the things these two could have decided to become, I fill with gratitude for what God allowed in our family.

These two have families of their own. Both of my sons have thanked me for doing the hard work of emotionally healing from abuse, divorce, single life w/ kids and more. They recognize that because I was willing to dig into the emotional garbage and find healing and forgiveness, they will have an easier time raising their kids, and their children will have less baggage to deal with. Granted, they will still have baggage! But the source will not come from generations of poor choices added into poor choices.

How? I've done a lot of questioning. I've questioned my mom, my sisters, a few cousins and family friends. I've asked them what they remember of our growing up years. I've encouraged honesty and freedom of judgement. There have been moments that weren't pretty. But they have brought clarity. And today I'm thankful I traveled those roads. They explained much of why I made some of my choices. Both the good ones and the poor ones. And these, and other things, brought me to not only believe in my head and through my cultural worldView God is good, He's never left me in the midst of what I felt was defeat-disaster-destruction, and He's for me and not against me. Because of my life and its path God placed these truths deep into the depths of my spirit for me to own them within my heart. No one can ever remove my experience of His good Love and Provision.

So, dear one, alone and weary.

First ask yourself this question: Do you want to get well?

Really well.

No matter what you must experience to get there.

Question how you got where you are today. Be honest with yourself and with others. Speak truth in a tender and compassionate way and let this be your guide to moving into life.

Please share your thoughts if you feel this is a safe place.

Praying for you across the lands.

& HoneyB